For the best Pest Control in your San Antonio Rental Property, consider the following:
Bugs are everywhere, but there are a few simple ways to stop them from getting in and taking over. Prevention goes a long way.
For all-season pest control, establish a quarterly pest prevention program that includes some or all of the tips below.
- As pretty as your landscaping is, it might be contributing to an infestation. Bugs love flowering shrubs, ivy, ground-covering greenery and fruit trees. Replace pest-friendly plants with ones that don’t attract them, and place them far enough away from your buildings so bugs can’t use them as a launchpad to the interior.
- Keep the property clean, and provide plenty of ways for residents to dispose waste. Many pests, like roaches, are attracted to paper — especially if it’s wet — so reduce piles of cardboard and paper products, and keep them out of damp places. It may be useful to give your tenants a handout with helpful pest-avoiding tips as part of their welcome package.
- Pests love moisture, so remove any standing puddles or stagnant water. Make sure water from downspouts flows away from the property. Also, ask your tenants to immediately inform you about leaky fixtures so you can repair them and avoid standing water.
- Install weather stripping and screens to block pests from making their way inside. While you’re at it, double-check that doors and windows are properly sealed and fit tightly when closed.
- Find all the cracks, seams, crevices, gaps and holes that insects might hide in or crawl through, and seal them with mildew-resistant caulking. You can also install copper or stainless steel mesh with the caulking, wooden trim or screens to block the bigger gaps.
- Install sodium-vapor or halogen lights, which are less attractive to night-flying insects and appropriate for indoor and outdoor use. Also, use low-heat-emitting bulbs wherever possible, since bugs are attracted to heat.
- Pet waste is another way for bugs to infest your property. If your San Antonio property is one with multiple units, lower the risk by installing pet waste stations with poop bags and garbage cans so renters can immediately scoop up and dispose of their pet’s lawn bombs.
If you have a renter whose unit smells like a garbage scow, they’re practically rolling out the pest welcome mat — and jeopardizing your property value and the unit’s rentability. Include a clause in your lease agreement that allows you to mandate residents to clean up their mess. If the lease allows, deduct the cleaning fee from their deposits when they move out.
The best ounce of prevention is to encourage renters to report an infestation so you can eradicate it immediately. Educate your tenants on sanitation best practices and what to do if they spot a pest. Include clear and specific cleaning clauses in your lease agreement so renters understand their responsibilities for keeping the property safe and clean.
Who’s responsible for pest control?
An implied warranty of habitability implies, by law, that the premises are fit and habitable for human occupation and will remain so for the duration of the lease. But common sense and doing the right thing won’t steer you wrong. Rather than haggling over who allowed creepy-crawlies to take over your property, take immediate action to eradicate them. You’ll generate more resident goodwill — and perhaps even some favorable reviews.
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